Class Q: Variable planets are exceedingly rare in the
universe. They typically have highly eccentric orbits
or form around a star with a variable output. As a
result, conditions the planet's surface are widely
varied and often quite extreme; deserts and rain
forests can coexist in the span of a few kilometers,
and glaciers might simultaneously loom near the
equatorial regions... only to melt off in the span of a
few days. If the planet has an eccentric orbit, the
entire planet might spend decades completely
frozen in the far reaches of the star system, only to
turn into a hothouse as it approaches its parent star.

Though pockets of the surface might occasionally
become habitable, in general, the constant
instability makes long term survival for any species
virtually impossible.

2-10 billion years old
4,000- 15,000 kilometers
ecosphere, cold zone, hot zone
nitrogen, oxygen, argon; can be either
very tenuous or very dense
varies greatly
silicon, iron, magnesium
-100°C to 75°C
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